About me
Boyce Hypnosis
BoyceHypnosis was born with the aim of giving visibility to hypnosis as a scientific discipline and to demonstrate its effectiveness in a wide range of contexts, mainly in the field of therapy as a highly effective tool and also in the field of effective communication.Julio Juanes Rubert
is the person behind BoyceHypnosis
He was born in Madrid where he studied science at Autonoma University obtaining a degree in Chemistry and food science.
- Teacher of Master’s degree in Psychotherapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis at Erickson Institute Madrid-Los Angeles (EEUU) – Milton Erickson Foundation.
- Teacher at Hypnotherapy University (EEUU)
- Certified member of IAPCH(International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists)
- Hypnosis trainer by Igor Ledochowski
Specially interested in hypnosis as a process of communication
Julio combines all the knowledge acquired during years of studying hypnosis with some of the top names in the field around the world with his knowledge of teaching and communication in several fields such as business negotiation, teaching different areas (science, language, communication skills…), psychotherapy, stage hypnosis and mentalism just to name a few, in order to create a unique process of communication based in hypnosis.
He has the following certifications:
- Master´s degree in Psychotherapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis Erickson Institute Madrid – Los Angeles, USA (Milton Erickson Foundation)
- Certified Hypnotherapist specialized in Conversational Hypnosis(IAPCH – International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists) and member of IAPCH
- Certified expert in Psychotherapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis Erickson Institute Madrid – Los Angeles, USA (Milton Erickson Foundation)
- Degree in Chemistry and food science (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- Certified expert in ADHD (diagnose and treatment) (Universidad International de La Rioja, UNIR).
- Certified PNL Practitioner – ICBCH International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy.
- Certified Life Coach– ICBCH International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy.
He is bilingual in English with the following certifications:
- Certificate of Proficiency in English (Cambridge University)
- Degree in English language (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Madrid)
He has been trained, among others, with the following:
- Betty Alice Erickson (Milton H. Erickson’s daughter) – Live training “Naturalistic trance”
- Roxanna Erickson (Milton H. Erickson’s daughter) – Live training “Medical hypnosis and pain management”
- Norma y Philip Barretta (Students of Milton H. Erickson) – Live training “Innovation in Ericksonian Hypnosis”
- Michael Munion, MA LPC – Live training “Psychotherapy and Milton Erickson’s contributions”
- Dan Short PhD – “Milton H. Erickson- His techniques” and clinical cases supervision.
- Annelle y Alexandre Simpkins (Students of Milton H. Erickson) – Live training “Neuroscience of Hypnosis and meditation. Mindfulness”
- Stephen Gilligan, PhD (Student of Milton H. Erickson) – Live training “Generative Trance to treat trauma”
- Ernest Rossi, PhD – Live Training “The new neuroscience in psychotherapy”
- Brent Geary, PhD – Live training “Ericksonian Techniques”
- Krzysztof Klajs – Live training “OCD Treatment”
- Karsten Kustner – “conversational Hypnosis and hypnotic language (Igor Ledochowski model)” – Official certification IAPCH
- Igor Ledochowski – “Ericksonian Hypnosis and metaphores”
He has been personally supervised by Dan Short PhD, Katlin Varga PhD and Norma Barretta PhD.